Spurred on by a spate of recent events, the Barbados Motoring Federation (BMF) and Barbados Road Safety Association (BRSA) are to join forces in a concerted effort to help lower the accident rate on the island’s roads. Under the acronym SAFE – Safe Arrival For Everyone – the two non-profit organisations will be working to change the mindset of local drivers and promote road safety.
Meeting in Warrens, Adrian Linton, BMF Vice-President – Mobility, and BRSA President Roland Lowe have agreed plans to develop on-line campaigns featuring local motor sport competitors emphasising the importance of responsible driving. The mantra ’Walk Safe, Ride Safe, Drive Safe’ is core to the new programme.
Linton, also President of BMF affiliate the Barbados Automobile Association (BAA), said: “Many don’t know that the FIA, world governing body of motorsport, runs many global road safety campaigns under its Mobility remit. I’m sure that we can use the expertise of some of our competition drivers, who compete skilfully in controlled conditions, to help change the mindset of island drivers and educate them about best practice on the road.”
Since former traffic policeman Lowe became President in May 2023, the BRSA has been developing stronger relationships with Government and private sector stakeholders to improve safety on the island’s roads and reduce accidents. In particular, the BRSA is targeting young people to promote road safety and responsible driving, which they hope will be bolstered by partnering with the BMF.
Lowe said: "The BRSA is pleased at the revitalization of this relationship with the BMF. We look forward to working together to advance the cause of road safety on the island."
While this new collaboration with the BRSA is still in its planning stages, the BMF has also confirmed that it will be continuing with the FIA Smart Driving Challenge, which encourages people to drive in a more sustainable, safe and considered way.
Editor’s note: the Barbados Motoring Federation (BMF) is the island’s governing body for motor sport, affiliated to the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM). It also represents the interests of its Member Clubs in discussions with Government departments which facilitate the sport in the island, in particular the Ministry of Transport, which permits road closures for an agreed number of events each year. Away from motor sport, the BMF affiliate which answers the FIA Mobility remit is the Barbados Automobile Association (BAA).
For media information only. No regulatory value.
For further information, please contact:
BMF Vice-President - Mobility, Adrian Linton - e-mail: adrian@wentworthpropertyservices.com
web site: https://bmf-fia.com/
BRSA PRO, Erskine Cumberbatch – e-mail: concord195@hotmail.com